HM Life
How To Achieve a Work Life Balance:
Step 3
Get By With a Little Help
Part 3 of a 10 Part Series
I hear from a lot of women that they struggle to find a work/life balance. They want to be, or feel they need to be, the best of everything, all the time—and they want to be able to achieve balance in doing so. Of course, we all struggle with this: how to achieve balance when we’re juggling a million different things. The bottom line is, balance is bullshit.
There is no silver bullet that will help you find the ideal formula so you will al-ways feel perfectly balanced. But, I do have some tips to help you assess and improve your situation overall, so you can feel more in charge of your time, your priorities and your life.
Tip 3: Ask For Help. Then Accept It.
No one can do this alone. If you are trying to take everything on alone, you are setting yourself up for disaster. You need to ask for help. You can ask your family for help, your friends, co-workers, boss, spouse or others. It may sur-prise you how many people will rise up when you call! You don’t know if you don’t ask, and suffering alone is far worse than suffering with those that care about you.
I have a fantastic nanny and support system of friends that I could not live without. Find your team, and tap them often for help. You will be surprised at how readily people will come to your aid. Ask! You have nothing to lose. Balance is bullshit, but receiving help from your trusted circle will help you juggle your priorities and lead you toward success.