Confidence Tips

Confidence Tips with Heather Monahan

If you are like me, you may have found yourself apologizing for a lot in your life even when it wasn’t your fault. I used to apologize if someone bumped into me. I would definitely apologize if I was late for a meeting or deadline. I would even apologize for things I had no control over.

Cut to my miracle reframe. When you begin to thank instead of apologize you make the world a better place. You put yourself on even ground with others. You make it about the other person instead of about you. You make it about gratitude.

I am here to challenge you to 7 days of ZERO apologies. I promise you that if you put these reframes into motion you will never go back. You will see how beautifully others respond to you. Remember: we are always teaching people how to treat us. I want you to be treated like your worth it because you are!

Download the examples I share with you to reframe a previous apology into gratitude.
Confident Tips Graphic
Need more help?

I wrote a whole chapter on the art of reframing apologies in my book Confidence Creator.

Heather Monahan