HM Life
How To Achieve a Work Life Balance:
Step 5
Define & Decide
Part 5 of a 10 Part Series
I hear from many women that they struggle to find a work/life balance. They want to be able to achieve balance while being the best of everything at all times. Of course, we all struggle with this: how to create balance when we’re juggling a million different things. The bottom line is, balance is bullshit.
There is no magic trick that will help you feel perfectly balanced. But, I do have some tips to help you assess and improve your situation overall, so you can feel more in charge of your time, your priorities and your life.
Tip 5: Define Success. Then Prioritize It.
What does success look like to you?
Determining this is going to help you make better decisions for your day-to-day. For some, success means the biggest job and largest bank account possible and for that person, work will always be the priority. For others, having a happy family life is second to none. For that person, it is easy to make decisions and default to your loved ones whenever they need you.
The more challenging decisions seem to lie with those of us who want to excel at work and have a full family life. I try to make sure that I am spending time and putting effort to both and prioritize as needed. It is important to know what success looks like to you, so you can prioritize your life accordingly.