There are so many things in life that I love to experience. From small things like relaxing scents to sweat-inducing activities to empowering movies that make me want to stand up and cheer, inspiration really is where you look for it.

I’ve compiled a list of some of the things I love in hopes that you’ll discover something new to be inspired about, too.

What’s on your list of things to love?

Thing #2 That I Love: “Joy”

 Joy.” This movie is a game changer. I absolutely love this movie and have watched it multiple times. No matter who you are, there will come a time when the self doubt creeps in; we all have times where we think we have it so hard and that life is so difficult.

For me, watching this movie reminds me that when you set boundaries, respect yourself and listen to your intuition, amazing things will happen. No matter how hard your life may be, you will finish this movie feeling like you can conquer the world. At least, that’s how I feel after watching it!
