“Eight years ago, I found myself divorced with a 1-year-old, right when the recession came crashing down. I had a large mortgage, an infant, a job that was uncertain at best, a lofty travel schedule, and a bank account that had just been wiped out as a result of my divorce agreement. I thought my financial challenges were insurmountable. 

“Looking back on my situation, I realize that the one thing I had in my favor is my confidence in myself. I knew that if I continued to work hard and tune everything else out, I would find a way out of my situation. The bigger challenge was leaving my baby with a full-time nanny while I was traveling for work. But each month I become stronger and my future appeared a little brighter. During this time, I kept a journal of my financial progress and would reference it anytime I felt down or discouraged about my struggles. Today, I still have a mortgage, but no longer worry about my paycheck each month.” —Heaer Monahan a.k.a. Boss in Heels, Business Expert 
