Discover the Art for Unlocking a Life Overflowing with
Wealth, Fulfillment, & Abundance this Year

What if you had access to world-class experts for 2 days, with the latest
material to multiply your income, break free from mediocrity, and
advance your career AND business—would you show up?


MARCH 12-13, 2024, 1-3PM ET


Register Now

Who is this virtual summit for?

The i-LEAD SUCCESS® Virtual Summit is for any woman and their supportive allies who are committed to achieving maximum potential in every key area of their lives—health, wealth, relationships, business, career, and mindset—by getting in close proximity with some of the most influential female power icons in the world.

The expert “Mini Masterclasses,” panel discussions, Q&As, networking sessions, and other interactive elements in this 2-day summit for women in leadership will add life-changing value to a wide group of people, including…

I lead success summit

By the end of the i-LEAD SUCCESS® Virtual Summit, You Will:

  • Discover the mindset shift you need to become a confident and empowered woman who’s capable of achieving every goal you have (others will notice a different version of you a year from now)
  • Feel inspired by the collective influence of speakers and industry leaders who are all deeply committed to women’s success in life, career, and business
  • Develop a holistic understanding of health that transforms you into a more energized, well-rested woman who more easily excels in personal and professional growth
  • Gain simple yet advanced insights that any woman (at any stage) can use to grow a wildly profitable business and achieve financial success
  • Feel empowered to realize your own unique fulfillment and happiness
  • Discover strategies to position yourself for more success, pleasant surprises, and abundance of fortune as the year unfolds
  • Gain a renewed sense of purpose and direction to help guide you toward your biggest dream and fullest potential
