We all want to live our lives to the fullest potential, right? Well, it all starts with having CONFIDENCE! For some people, self-confidence comes naturally and for others, it may be more challenging. But, no matter who you are, you must tap into your inner self to discover your ability to be a confident, positive, and motivated person. You deserve it!

On this week’s #MillennialTalk Twitter Chat with guest, Heather Monahan, we spoke about how confidence can change your life and what actions we can take to become more courageous and self-reliant. Heather shared more insight on how to establish your baseline, the importance of setting goals, how to evaluate the people in our lives (Healthy Relationships vs Toxic Relationships) and much more!

Get ready to inhale confidence and exhale doubt, because this recap is full of tips and tricks that prove YOU can be more confident ✨

Scroll down for a recap of this weeks Q&A:

@ChelseaKrost:  To me #confidence means being able to make decisions with certainty, being myself wholeheartedly, believing in myself and what I am capable of! 
L O V E this 😍
@_heathermonahan: My definition of confidence: bringing my real authentic self to the world regardless of what others think 
your worth.


@ChelseaKrost: Journals help establish your baseline by allowing you to evaluate where you currently stand. Ask yourself some important questions and write down the answers 📝
– What are you passionate about?
– Whose confidence do you admire?
– What are you grateful for?
@_heathermonahan: Journaling is critical in getting to know yourself and hear your inner voice. Hear it first, then take action on it
@LizzVo: Journals help you express things that are bottled up inside. By acknowledging your thoughts, you become aware of things that you might not have been before. Acknowledgement turns into self-awareness. Self-awareness turns to self-confidence
@joeDmarti: I love journaling, some of my most cherished possessions. It’s a great way to sort through my thoughts at the end of the day and provides chances to reflect back on past successes and struggles



@ChelseaKrost: Key steps in building your confidence roadmap:
  • Write down the steps you need to take over the next 30 days
  • Nothing gives your more confidence then feeling fit & strong – commit to being active for at least 20 min daily
  • Cross off any completed steps as you progress
  • Always keep in mind what your ultimate goals are
@_heathermonahan: Key steps in building a roadmap are a timeline, goal, vision and action plan



@ChelseaKrost: One of my top confidence tips is to learn to say “NO!” In the past I have found myself agreeing to things I didn’t truly want to do or saying yes to too many things because I felt obligated. The power of saying NO can improve your life more than you realize.
@_heathermonahan: Drop self deprecating humor. Use words that elevate you
@SimplyMsMarie: Know our strengths and opportunities! The more self aware we are the better! 2. Be healthy! In all aspects! Spiritually, physically & emotionally! Health is important! 3. Stay true to being your authentic self! Own who you are because no one else can be you!



@ChelseaKrost: When people start hating, ignore it. People who are critical are usually looking for some sort of reaction, so don’t give them the satisfaction of letting them get to you. Most of them time the haters will back down when they are being ignored. Silence is powerful at times.
@_heathermonahan: Choose to see haters as a great sign. We are not vanilla! We are not like everyone else! We are unique and shining our light!
@GenePetrovLMC: Haters? Who are they? I’m too busy being awesome and doing important work. No time to stop and pay attention to hate. I don’t want that negative energy invading my positive energy and light. Ignorance is bliss right? 🙂



@ChelseaKrost: An accountability partner is a trusted friend, colleague, loved one or someone you hire like a coach who helps you establish goals and stick to them.
@_heathermonahan: No one else succeeds alone so why can’t you get help too #accountabilitypartner
@RScheese: For me, an accountability partner is someone you share your goals with (could be a team, etc.) Just that act helps drive accountability – It is easier to disappoint myself than others so just by sharing, it increases my likelihood of accomplishment.



@ChelseaKrost: Evaluating the people in your life means taking a deep look into the people you are surrounded by. This includes, but is not limited to: family, friends and coworkers. 
Ask yourself:
  • Are there people in my life who bring me down?
  • Is there anyone who I feel judged by?
  • Who in my life makes me happy?
  • Who inspires me to be a better person?
  • Who motivates me?
  • #millennialtalk
@_heathermonahan: There are those that drain us of energy and those that fire us up. Choose wisely
@Polymathically: Pay attention to who you keep in your social circles. Everyone has different motivations, desires, and problems. Some might be supportive, but others might be trying to drag you down. Get rid of toxic relationships whenever you can.


@ChelseaKrost: Go out of your comfort zone by breaking your basic pattern. Go to the same coffee shop everyday? Try a new one! Always go to the same supermarket? Explore somewhere new! You can discover new and exciting things by stepping out of your normal routine. Take the path less traveled every now and then, it may just be what you need!
THIS is why it is important ⬇ You can not grow and flourish by doing more of the same. Stepping outside of your comfort zone allows you to learn more and experience exciting things. You never know what can be waiting for on the other side…



Ready for more? Check out our #Millennialtalk RECAP 

Why You Should Let Your Fears Guide You

*We hope that you will become part of our #MillennialTalk community every Tuesday’s at 8 pm EST.*

About Chelsea Krost

Chelsea Krost is one of America’s leading Millennial influencers, Millennial marketing and brand strategists, a sought-after keynote speaker, media personality, and the #MillennialTalk chat host. Her passion for empowering the Millennial generation has shaped her brand. Chelsea’s influence reaches everywhere, shaping marketing strategies of not only small businesses but Fortune 500 corporations
