Nina A
“How did she know?” I am asking myself after finishing this book. How did she know everything I needed to hear?
In the description of Overcome Your Villains on NetGalley it says, “If you’ve ever felt alone, down, defeated, or discouraged—this book’s for you.” Heather, I do not know if you realize how true that statement is!
I am in my first year of full-time entrepreneurship and solely working for myself, and this book feels like the road map I needed. Heather covers the highs and the lows from both a corporate stand-point, to life after. Heather (I feel like I know her, and that referring to her as Monahan just feels impersonal after this read!) details the real, gritty and not always pretty path to achieving some of her most notable accomplishments. Those accomplishments include keynote speaking, having incredible podcasts guests, BEING a podcast guest on incredible shows, giving a TedX talk and basically everything else I have on my vision board right now.
I feel as though Heather was holding my hand throughout this book, personally invested in my future, like the female role model I never had. Except…now, I do.
If you are looking to take the leap into being your own boss, read this book. If your friend is taking that leap, give them this book! If you, or a loved one just got fired from a job…you guessed it, read this book. It shows you that there is always something better awaiting, and that anyone can achieve it.